27 juni 2018: Workout of the day

Workout of the day (WOD)
3 rounds for time:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell swings, 24kg/16kg
12 Pull-ups

Challenge of the month – Juni
Met de hele box:
Zoveel mogelijk pull-ups

26 juni 2018: Workout of the day

Workout of the day (WOD)
Clean 5-5-5
Front squat 5-5-5
Split jerk 5-5-5

Challenge of the month – Juni
Met de hele box:
Zoveel mogelijk pull-ups

25 juni 2018: Workout of the day

Workout of the day (WOD)
For time:
5k Run

Challenge of the month – Juni
Met de hele box:
Zoveel mogelijk pull-ups

24 juni 2018: Newsflash!

Workout of the day (WOD)
For time:
75 Squat cleans, 42,5kg/30kg

Challenge of the month – Juni
Met de hele box:
Zoveel mogelijk pull-ups

23 juni 2018: Workout of the day

Workout of the day (WOD)
For time:
75 Squat cleans, 42,5kg/30kg

Challenge of the month – Juni
Met de hele box:
Zoveel mogelijk pull-ups

22 juni 2018: Workout of the day

Workout of the day (WOD)
“Death by pull-ups”
With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute… continuing as long as you are able.

Challenge of the month – Juni
Met de hele box:
Zoveel mogelijk pull-ups

21 juni 2018: Workout of the day

Workout of the day (WOD)
For time:
75 Thrusters, 42,5kg/30kg

Challenge of the month – Juni
Met de hele box:
Zoveel mogelijk pull-ups

20 juni 2018: Workout of the day

Workout of the day (WOD)
20 min AMRAP of:
15 Push press, 1/2 bodyweight
1 Rope climb

Challenge of the month – Juni
Met de hele box:
Zoveel mogelijk pull-ups

19 juni 2018: Workout of the day

Workout of the day (WOD)
21-15 and 9 reps for time of:
Cleans, 60kg/42,5kg
Ring dips

Challenge of the month – Juni
Met de hele box:
Zoveel mogelijk pull-ups

18 juni 2018: Workout Of the Day

Workout of the day (WOD)
3 rounds for time of:
20 Dumbbell snatch (alternating), 22,5kg/15kg
20 Pull-ups
400m Run

Challenge of the month – Juni
Met de hele box:
Zoveel mogelijk pull-ups